Yooo! Im Amanda.

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You can expect posts about life, entrepreneurship, trauma and healing, relationships and building a life you never want to escape from again.

Let me live in your head rent free

The Power of Being Honest About Everything: How Radical Honesty Can Transform Your Life

May 18, 20231 min read


If you've been feeling stuck lately and like you know you should be doing something different, you may be in a cycle of lying to yourself. I see people do this all the time. People will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify staying in a bad situation, or continuing to be a toxic human. When people don't want to change, they will come up with all the excuses and lie to themselves constantly in order to protect themselves from changing. These lies can range from "Oh I could never do that" to "This is just who I am" and all it does is keep someone stuck.

One of the tools I use with all of my clients to help break them of this pattern is teaching them and challenging them to be honest about EVERYTHING. This one skill is so life changing, and in this episode I talk about how to apply it, how to put it into action and some of the transformations Ive seen when clients adopt this strategy. Once you get good about this, life opens up to you.

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Amanda is acting in the role of a coach for any services available on this website. She is not acting in the role of a therapist and she is not your therapist.