Yooo! Im Amanda.
Welcome to the blog.
You can expect posts about life, entrepreneurship, trauma and healing, relationships and building a life you never want to escape from again.
Let me live in your head rent free
Have you ever watched an animal wrapped up so tightly that they can't get free? And they struggle and struggle, and get more tightly wound until they immobolize themselves. Maybe you've done this too - struggled and strained and tried to pull away only to become more stuck and more entrenched? This is something I see all the time, and while it's a normal instinct, it only makes us more stuck.
In this episode I talk about how more often than not, the secret to breaking free is to surrender so that the tension and pressure releases. When you stop fighting, your nervous system calms and you can do what's actually helpful - think. Fighting doesn't help you. Struggling doesn't help you. Being calm and having access to calm and creativity does.
designed to help you rewire your limiting beliefs and start taking action on building a life you don't want to run from.
A free woman is the most powerful and dangerous thing in the world.
Amanda is acting in the role of a coach for any services available on this website. She is not acting in the role of a therapist and she is not your therapist.