Yooo! Im Amanda.

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Let me live in your head rent free

My Brain Won't Shut Off When I'm Trying To Sleep. Help." Bet, Here's what to do from a Licensed Therapist

June 13, 20234 min read


If you have ever laid your head down on your pillow, ready to finally get some sleep after a long day of life-ing, only to find that your brain takes this opportunity to think about everything you've ever done and also tomorrows to do list and also that one really weird thing you said when you were 12? So frustrating right, like hello brain, we're trying to sleep here!

In this episode I explain why this happens, what your brain is actually doing and how to fix it so you can get that beauty sleep you don't even need because you're already so beautiful. No, the answer isn't melatonin or meditating or having a 4238 step bedtime routine. The fix is simple and doesn't even take that long. You're welcome.

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I know many of y'all, like me, are staying up wayyyy too late scrolling Instagram (or tik tok) and suddenly it's midnight and you're like "damn, where'd the time go??"

I see you. I am you.

Or, if you're like a ton of my clients, you've been staying up late worrying about tomorrow or their personal favorite thing that gremlin brain does, have you think of that incredibly embarrassing thing you said when you were 13 and now you'd like to just be swallowed by the earth please. Since this is so common, and y'all know I love a good system, we all know I have a system for this. Let's party.

cant sleep meme

Struggling to fall asleep due to an overactive mind is a common issue that many of my people face. The constant stream of thoughts and worries can make it difficult to relax enough to fall and stay asleep. If you're like me, you're way less fun to be around when you're tired, so let's fix that.

What To Do

One of the techniques I mention in the podcast episode is the concept I developed that I call decompression pockets. These are short moments throughout the day where you allow mind to rest and process information. Think of little gnomes in your mind that spend all day filing incoming information and sometimes, if we're too busy, they'll get backed up. The best thing to do is give them space to process - enter decompression pockets. The intention is to find a minute or two, five to ten times a day, to create these pockets. But honestly, start with once, once is a great place to start. By doing so, you can build up ten to twenty minutes of dedicated time for their brains to work through the staggering amount of information and data they encounter daily. These decompression pockets can be as simple as closing your eyes, breathing, and letting your mind gnomes do what they do best.

Another technique I'll suggest is brain dumping. This involves writing down any thoughts that come to mind before you go to bed, allowing the brain to offload and clear itself. By keeping a journal and pen by your bed, you can set a timer for five to ten minutes and write down whatever comes to mind. What I suspect you'll find is that you don't even need that long. This process allows your brain to release thoughts, worries, plans, or even random musings. The act of writing can be therapeutic and provide a sense of relief, as your brain unburdens itself onto the pages of the journal.

Another process I like to use is absorb and release, a process from Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), which has been a beautiful game changer for so many of my clients. This technique involves inhaling normally and exhaling while thinking the word "release." Saying the word release becomes a trigger for subconscious to let go of unnecessary thoughts and emotions so you feel clear and light. If you're feeling especially spicy, combing decompression pockets and absorb/release.

Name a better duo. I'll wait.

You may be thinking "Amanda, how am I supposed to find twenty minutes, I barely have time to poop." Well perfect then, do it while you're pooping (hey, we're close enough at this point to talk about pooping. right?) This is why I call them pockets, if all you start with is thirty seconds, amazing. Beautiful. Perfection.

Be Intentional About What You Take In

I'd be remiss to not mention being mindful of the amount of stimulation we expose ourselves to throughout the day. I saw this as someone who has absolutely been known to pull up IG while waiting at a stop light, so calling myself out here too boo.. Scrolling through social media or engaging in activities that overstimulate the brain backs up our gnomes, making it even more valuable to use decompression pockets. So, what if, and hear me out, we just sat and did nothing??? Sounds weird, I know, but dang if it ain't useful.

These techniques are valuable tools for you if you've been struggling with an overactive mind and struggling to fall asleep. By allowing the brain to rest and giving your gnomes time to process incoming data, offload thoughts, and release emotions, you'll wake up in the morning thinking "holy cheeseballs, I fell asleep so fast. Is this what it is to be well rested? I'm unstoppable."

Alexa, play Who Run The World by Beyonce.

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Amanda is acting in the role of a coach for any services available on this website. She is not acting in the role of a therapist and she is not your therapist.